World4.0 … Define, Leverage, Scale

We invite your insights of World4.0. The following is a some background. In 1998 the United States War College described the VUCA world as “Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous.” VUCA is used to define the challenges executives face in today's global business world. Enter World 3.0, economist, Pankaj Ghemawat, challenges the assumptions behind globalization. He calls for a world that can secure [...]

2018-06-02T15:48:20+00:00June 2nd, 2018|

The March for Our Lives: Sustaining #neveragain with the Z Generation

Sustaining #neveragain A Chorus of Harmony March For Our Lives … 800,000 Voices By Will Tharp, Diyaa Kaufman, Ira Kaufman Our Voice 11:23 am: There is silence. Beneath the blasting music and the shouted conversations on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C, it feels as if the Earth is waiting with baited breath. Although the March doesn’t begin until twelve [...]

2018-10-24T13:43:41+00:00April 4th, 2018|

Strategic Harmony… 21 Solutions to Our Shattered World

By Ira Kaufman and Velimir Srića Most people see the world as it is and get frustrated. We need people who see the world as it could be and get ready to change it! This paraphrase of a well-known quote is the reason why, for the last year or so, my fellow inspired Catalyzer and [...]

2018-04-01T20:03:14+00:00April 1st, 2018|